Master Request

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The Widget System

Master Http Request Unreal Engine 5 plugin is designed to simplify HTTP requests within your Unreal Engine projects.

Available Blueprints

Master Request

Master Request


urlStringThe URL of the request
Http MethodStringThe method of the request

Master Request With Payload And Headers

Master Request With Payload And Headers


urlStringThe URL of the request
Http MethodStringThe method of the request
Body PayloadArray of structsThe body payload of the request
HeadersArray of structsThe headers of the request

Master Request With Payload And Headers Async

This node is the same as the previous one, but it is async, so it will not block the main thread, executing the response in an event.

Master Request With Payload And Headers Async

Master Request With Payload And Headers Async Without Encoding

This node is the same as the previous one, but it is async and does not encode the body payload and headers so you can send raw data.

Master Request With Payload And Headers Async


urlStringThe URL of the request
Http MethodStringThe method of the request
Body PayloadArray of structsThe body payload of the request
HeadersArray of structsThe headers of the request

Decode Json

Sometimes you need to grab a value from a JSON. This node will help you do that. It’s very simple; you just need the JSON string and the key of the value that you want to grab.


Json StringStringThe JSON string
KeyStringThe key of the value


successBooleanIf the JSON was decoded successfully
valueStringThe value of the key

Decode Json

Decode Nested Json

Sometimes you have complex JSONs. This node will help you grab a value from a nested JSON. It’s very simple; you just need the JSON string and the key of the value that you want to grab.


Json StringStringThe JSON string
KeyStringThe key of the value


successBooleanIf the JSON was decoded successfully
Array Of Nested JsonArray of structsThe value of the key

Usage Example

Usage Example